VOIS for doctors

APrevent® VOIS


  • Intra-operative adjustable implant
  • Post-surgery adjustable implant at office-based clinic
  • Optimal glottis closure
  • Minimal foreign body sensation
  • Standardized, safe and effective surgery

About APrevent® VOIS

Innovative solution for medialization thyroplasty - APrevent® VOIS



APrevent® VOIS is specifically designed for medialization thyroplasty procedure for treatment of unilateral vocal fold paralysis and/or glottic insufficiency. APrevent® VOIS is the first thyroplasty implant offering intra- and post operative adjustment by injecting normal saline solution through an integrated port and expand the silicone balloon in specific vectors to compress the paralyzed vocal fold to the middle position and achieve complete glottic closure.


"Different sizes to fit different larynxes"


It comes in 4 sizes to overcome variations in laryngeal dimensions between individuals, different genders and ethnic groups.


How APrevent® VOIS be adjusted?

"Standardized surgical procedure for localization and implantation"


We reinvented the exisiting type I medialization thyroplasty and standardized the surgical procedure by applying the APrevent® VOIS instrument set. Follow suggected procedures in IFU and use the instrument to localize a 6*11 mm rectangualr window on thyroid cartilage so that operators could drill the window position precisely. By applying standardized procedures can reduce the operation time from 2 hours to only about 30 - 40 minutes minimizing revision rates,  risks of airway complications, and providing patients with optimal results.



"Post-operative adjustment at OPD"


After surgery, if patients need to do adjustment, surgeon could percutaneous inject normal saline into port membrane by palpation or ultrasound guided. By injecting volume of normal saline to achieve optimized glottic closure. The adjustment can be done at OPD.


Standardized Surgical Procedure

“ Watch surgical video”

Introduction of APrevent® VOIS

Please leave message to us if you want to know further information about surgical procedure.

Click & See "Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance"

Click & See "Instructions for use"



Workshop for doctor