Stakeholder Information
In order to promote business development and sustainable operation, APrevent Medical not only takes care of its employees, but also ensures the interests of investors. In addition to maintaining interaction with various stakeholders in the daily business, it also has an external communication box [email protected] Establish a transparent and effective multi-communication channel with all stakeholders, introduce the major issues of concern to stakeholders into the company's sustainable development strategy, and establish transparent and effective multi-directional communication channels with all stakeholders of the company. Formulate the reference indicators for the implementation of corporate social responsibility policies and related planning. The main contents are roughly divided into: customers, employees, government departments, academics, industry, investors, media, suppliers.
• Customer
- Communication topics: product agent sales, technical support services, customer relationship management, product use feedback
- Communication channels: procurement contracts, agent contracts, product seminars, product training
- Main operation situation: The agent signs a sales contract with us and promotes the products. We assist in the technical service of the products.
• Staff
- Communication topics: employee benefits, talent recruitment, staff retention,
- Communication Pipeline: Welfare Committee, Staff Symposium, Internal and External Education Training, Staff Code
- Main operating conditions: In order to fully take care of each employee and maintain a harmonious relationship between labor and management, employees are given the opportunity to be employed on the principle of fairness and equality, a comprehensive salary and welfare system is established, employees are treated appropriately and rewarded, and external education training is encouraged. Courses, professional skills.
• Government department
- Communication topics: regulations related to animal drug manufacturing, biotechnology industry related information, product registration and inspection
- Communication channels: seminars, symposia, official documents
- Main operating conditions: Participate in relevant industry seminars organized by government units from time to time to obtain the latest information, such as: Obtain the latest animal drug management measures and related regulations.
• Academic circles
- Communication issues: Animal-related epidemic exchange and discussion, technical service support, vaccine development, product trial feedback
- Communication Pipeline: Scholar Speech, Symposium, Test Plan
- Main operation situation: Jointly hold seminars or speeches with experts and scholars, conduct exchange discussions or technical services for relevant epidemics, and promote professional knowledge of vaccine development. Cooperate with scholars and professors in related fields to hold product test plans and provide test reports and data to increase product competitiveness. Implement industry-university cooperation projects, such as: Signing a teaching cooperation with Pingke University.
• Industry
- Communication issues: Marketing, exhibiting information, regulations on animal protection drugs, industry exchange information
- Communication Pipeline: Movement Insurance Association, Health Policy Committee, Industry Development Bureau
- Main operating conditions: Participate in meetings held by trade associations, exchange discussions, keep up-to-date information, and learn about industry development related information.
• Investors
- Communication topics: financial status, operational performance, social responsibility
- Communication Pipeline: Announce financial report, shareholder meeting, law conference, APrevent website (investor area), newspaper and magazine
- Main operating conditions: Regularly update financial reports and operations on our website; hold shareholders' meetings to explain the operating performance to investors and respond to relevant questions.
• Media
- Communication topics: operational performance, finance, social corporate responsibility
- Communication channels: press release, press conference, newspaper and magazine
- Main operation situation: Release the latest relevant information of our company in the media, newspapers and magazines
• Supplier
- Communication topics: product, packaging, equipment supply chain, supplier relationship management
- Communication Pipeline: Purchase Order, Purchase Contract